Thai Massage & the 5 Elements 50h course with Krishnataki

Thai Massage & the 5 Elements 50h course with Krishnataki

During this course, we will learn about the therapeutic application of Thai Massage, in accordance with the five elements of Chinese Medicine.

Each day we will focus on a different element and understand the internal organs, meridians, acupoints and practices associated with it and use Thai massage sequences to address imbalances there. Water, Earth, Metal, Fire, and Wood make up the elemental system according to Chinese Medicine.

We will explore the emotional body, pathological conditions, dietary nutrition & herbs, as well as go deep into elemental awareness with ceremony, meditation, movement, touch, qi gong and breathwork.

In using the wisdom of the Tao with static and dynamic Thai massage, we can tonify and disperse energy, address deficiency and excess and harmonize the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. We will also explore the different qualities the elements in the way that we touch…applying air touch, water touch, earth touch and fire touch so that we can bring the body into optimum balance.

However one of the most treasured benefits of this work is the way that we bring people together to create community as we learn to both give and receive as well as connect with ourselves and each other through the transmission and initiation of ancient wisdom and prayers from timeless Buddhist teachings. 


Wednesday – Friday: 8:30-17:30
Saturday/Sunday: 08:00-15:30

Termin: 11.12.-15.12.2024
Ort: Patrick Broome Yoga Studio Maistrasse, Maistr. 31, 80337 München
Kosten Ausbildung: 1.008 EUR
Anmeldung: Buchung online
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